Saturday, June 9, 2018

The Reasons

If there is one phrase that I would feel comfortable guaranteeing that everyone will hear no less than 100 times in their life time it would be, "everything happens for a reason". I would happen to agree with that statement. In recent turn of events I did not get into the educational program I wanted for the second time. After some angry tears I realized that not only did this not actually reflect on me as a person but also, that it did happen for a reason. That reason is not because "it wasn't meant to be" or because "God had other plans". The reason was because I made a mistake. I realize that most things that don't go as desired are because of simple reasons like that and as far as getting into the program I wanted, it is now my job to either find something else to do or to find another way to get there. Life doesn't stop moving to let us wallow in self pity and doubt.